לקוחות יקרים, לאור המצב אנו נאלצים להאריך את ימים האספקה למשלוח לעד 14 ימי עסקים.

Frequently asked question

Here you will find answers to some of the questions we get.
Please contact us for more information

What is the blessing for flaxseed bread?
According to the Eda HaCharedit Kashrut laws, you can choose whether to bless "sheh'hakol nih'yeh bid'varo" (that all came to be through His utterance).
Is the bread suitable for coeliac patients?
What allergens does the product contain?
Contains gluten and soy
Who is the "Flaxseed wonder-bread" meant for?
Diabetics, people who wish to lose weight and eat healthy, athletes, people with sensitive stomachs / digestive problems, and vegans.
Does the bread contain flour?
Yes, it contains small percentages of rye flour
Do you produce any other products from flaxseed?
Our R&D department is working on a range of low-carb products based on flaxseed.
Why is your bread less fattening?
When dietary fibers, omega-3 and small amounts of carbohydrates are put together, it enables the metabolic system and intestines to function at their best. Carbohydrates are the main cause for trouble, because they produce sugars in our body that stick to excess fat. In short, our bread has all of the ingredients to help the intestines function smoothly, while avoiding unhealthy sugars. It's a winning recipe. Please note that in order to fully enjoy the benefits of flaxseed, you must drink at least 8 cups of water a day.
Do you produce any other products from flaxseed?
Our R&D department is working on a range of low-carb products based on flaxseed.
How many calories are there in one slice of bread?
Between 60-70 calories. But! Since each slice contains less than one carbohydrate, the body doesn't absorb the calories as much. We know that people tend to gain weight due to the sugars produced by carbohydrates in our bodies. Many of our flaxseed bread customers have reported weight loss because it is low-carb, hence minimizing the calories' impact.
Is the bread compatible with the Dr. Meizlish diet?
Is it suitable for a ketogenic diet?
What are the bread's nutrition facts/What is the bread's nutritional values?
Low-carb – less than one carbohydrate per slice, 29 g of protein per 100 g, 15.7 g dietary fibers per 100 g, 0.9 mg omega-3, no added sugar and all-natural ingredients.

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Flaxseed bread's nutritious value

The flaxseed bread's nutritious values have received the highest praise from health advocates. It Is a low-carb bread, with less than one carbohydrate per slice. It contains 29 grams of protein per 100 grams, 15.7 grams of nutritional fibers per 100 grams, 0.9 milligram of Omega-3, no added sugar, and all-natural ingredients.
We care about providing our clients with a wide range of healthy and delicious products, which is why we are currently working on developing additional low-carb products from high-quality flax seeds.

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